Honor The Lord

God has done so many wonderful things for us, he deserves to be honored. Just remember without him we would not be able to accomplish our dreams.  We might think we did it all on our own but he was there all along helping us and carrying us.  Give him the glory and honor he deserves.

Find Refuge In God

Life stresses can leave us overwhelmed and wanting to run away.  But be not dismayed, you can find refuge in God, he will cover you and protect you

Walk With God

No matter how busy you get or how overwhelming your life is, always walk with God.  Friends might fail you, but he will never leave you nor forsake you.

Keep The Faith

Certain situations in life just take longer than anticipated.  Reaching certain goals takes faith, perseverance and prayer.  When our faith is tested it produces perseverance...so keep the faith!

Hope In God!

Don't get discouraged because of one bad break or a temporary setback.  But instead hope in God and do not doubt. He will give you the strength to carry on when you feel like giving up.

Stay In Peace!

Let things go.  Don't get offended at every little criticism and offense that comes your way.  Protect your inner-self and stay in peace.

Joy Is Coming

We all go through difficult and even painful situations but they are only for a season.  Just like how seasons change your difficult situation will change. Take one day at a time, press forward toward your goals because joy is coming!

Focus On God

When we are going through difficulties we tend to focus on our circumstances instead of focusing on God.  When we focus our thoughts on things above, (thanking him for what we have) we become more equipped to handle whatever problems that come our way.

Be Confident In Christ

Step out in confidence and approach God with your request.  Live your life confidently knowing the he is always on your side.

He Is Risen

Christ Jesus lives.  Salvation to impart. How do I know he lives? He is with us every single day, walking right beside us.  He will never leave you nor forsake you unlike mankind.  He lives within my heart.

Trust God's Timing

Timing is everything.

Maybe you have been praying for a particular situation to turn around or seeking a solution to a problem.

When everything lines up God will show up.

He Is My Strength

When you feel like you are walking alone call upon the name of Jesus.  He will be your support system.  He will strengthen you, and uphold you and get you through each day.

Dont Give Up!

If you have a dream in your heart and it hasn't manifested yet, dont give up, dont throw in the towel just yet.  Keep working on it day after day, until it comes to fruition.

You Are Valuable

God knows exactly what we need. Worrying and fretting about our daily needs only cost us our peace.  God wants us to live each day with confidence as he knows what we need. He wants you to put your trust in him.

Renew Your Mind

When we focus on the word of God and really make an effort to practice the teachings of the bible, then and only then can our minds be renewed.

Stay Cheerful!

When nothing seems to be going right we as humans have a tendency to sink into depression.  This not only robs us of our energy and motivation but it takes us further from God.

But if we keep trusting in God and stay cheerful, it is good medicine for our soul.

Jesus Oh How Sweet The Name!

As we all know things and circumstances can change at the drop of a hat.  Friends may move away or relationships and hearts change but one thing we can be sure of is that Jesus is the same, yesterday, today anf forever!

Expect A Miracle

If your going through difficulties it might be hard to stay positive when nothing seems to be changing.  But perseverance is the key.  God is able to restore and bring about a miracle after we have suffered a little while.

Spend A Little Time With Jesus

Life can be overwhelming at times.  We are all so busy trying to juggle our work and family lives that sometimes we forget to spend time with our Creator.

The more time we spend with Jesus the more we get to know him and learn his ways.  Draw near to God and he will draw near to you.

His Eye is On The Sparrow

God is always watching out for us.  Even though sometimes it might seem like he is so far away, dont get discouraged, as he is always near like a good friend. Be rest assured that his eye is on the sparrow.

Guard Your Mind

Certain circumstances in life can bring about fear - needless fear.  We blow things out of proportion and feed our fears, which makes or problems seem insurmountable.  Instead of letting fear control us, we should crush the spirit of fear and guard our minds in Christ Jesus.

Bloom Where You Are Planted!

Sometimes your journey takes you to unexpected places and not what we had planned.  However to accomplish God's plan for our lives, we need to bloom where we are planted and give God thanks for he is good!

Deuteronomy 28:2 - A Promise of Abundance and Blessings

  Deuteronomy 28:2 reads, "All these blessings will come upon you and accompany you if you obey the LORD your God." In this single...